Thursday, October 21, 2010

With mid-term elections coming up, we have all been inundated with political ads on TV and radio.  You know the ones, "Candidate A is evil.  They have shared a bed with Satan and regularly eaten innocent little kittens to quench their thirst for blood!  I'm Candidate B and I approved this message."

O.K., maybe that is a little strong compared to the actual message of most political ads, but you get the idea.  If you watch & listen to these ads, you have to wonder why no one uses their time to actually deliver the message of what they believe, what their ideas are and in general, why they are the best candidate for the job.  Maybe they have been swayed by their "team" & trust that it's the way to go or maybe they have no beliefs, no ideas, and are just in the game for power.

I could handle these fear based ads if I wasn't exposed to them 20-30 times a day.  At this point in time, I'm pretty much convinced none of the candidates here in Arizona have much to offer.  It's their own fault for making themselves look like asses with their own ads.

Tomorrow, I will unveil my new set of "rules" I would implement if I controlled the political TV ad world.


  1. I am Troy Richardson and I approve this message....

  2. That's MY opinion!! Can't wait to see your rules!
